​This page is updated regularly as programs are added and dates and times change.
When registration is required for an event, please click on the Events tab at www.slolibrary.org.​
Wednesdays in FEBRUARY (5, 12, 19, 26)
Preschool Storytime with Miss Cindy for ages 0-5, 10:30-11:00am
The Literacy Connection: Weekly English Conversation Group for adults, 11:30am-1pm. All levels welcome;
no preregistration required--just join when you can!
1-28: Friends Membership Month display (including the gift basket available in our drawing) in the Friends' window near the
checkout area
1: Coastal Dunes Branch of the California Writers Club,10:00am-12:45pm. For more info, see coastaldunescwc.com
1: LEGO Club for ages 5-12, 2:00-3:00pm
12: CLOSED for Lincoln's Birhday
13,14: Valentine's Day table (available all day) with art supplies to use to create a card as unique as the person you'll give it
to. All ages are welcome to participate.
17: Noor Free Mobile Health Care Clinic/La Distribution Cuidado de la Salud for adults, 8am-3pm. The mobile clinic will be stationed in the library parking lot for free health care consultation. Appointments are strongly suggested
20: Kids' Day at the Library for K-6th grade, 2:00-3:00pm and 3:45-4:45pm. A monthly event featuring a different program
or activity each month
21: Chess Club for all ages/levels, 2:00-4:30pm
25: Book Discussion Group for adults, 10-11:30am